News & Insight
29th October 2021
Grant-making and Systemic Change webinar.
It is time to have a frank conversation about the tension between programme and funding.
Wednesday 24th November 2021 @2pm
Please join us for what will be an insightful and stimulating discussion surrounding grant making timelines to achieve systems change. Donors have been making substantial grants to local and international development programmes for decades. Although some donors offer multi-year support the majority of donors only offer up to 3 years of funding. Is this long enough to achieve systemic change and impact?
The webinar will focus on the types of systems change that are needed to build social cohesion and foster economic development – programs that seek to bridge the divides of race, ethnicity, gender and socio-economic class – and crucially how to fund long term initiatives for best effect.
Grant makers need to show short term impact. But this is not the same as long term systemic change.
We are delighted to present an esteemed panel to explore this topic and to discuss candidly the challenges and the opportunities for grant makers and grantees.
Please register for the webinar here, or contact for further information. We look forward to welcoming you to the discussion.
Philanthropy Company Systems change webinar