News & Insight
31st January 2020
Top 10 emerging trends in 2020
Caroline Underwood OBE, Philanthropy Company CEO, highlights top 10 key fundraising trends to look out for in 2020.
As we race towards the end of January and a new post-Brexit era my thoughts have been turning to what 2020 will bring for those of us involved in fundraising and philanthropy. Others have articulated it far more deeply than I but there are some interesting themes emerging that I hope you will find relevant. I would love to hear your thoughts of other themes to look out for!
- The peril of the planet will permeate all of our actions – from ditching single use plastic to linking climate change initiatives to all of our agendas, the climate crisis will be writ large.
- Charities in the UK have to change how they work and how they let their people work. Many have embraced flexible working but amazingly some still don’t. These organisations will lose people and find they are not attracting the talent they need to thrive.
- More movements, linking of advocacy and fundraising and more commercial partnerships. We loved Booby Bunting – a collaboration between Coppa Feel and FatFace
- We will finally crack the mass appeal digital offer.
- Fundraisers need to stand proud, there is a shortage of good people at the senior level but also at entry level. We must all do everything we can to help boards understand the value of a great fundraiser – not just in terms of track record but also in terms of attitude and flexibility and diverse points of view. It is exciting to see the sector attracting more diversity of all kinds. It will be slow but we will change it.
- The donor market is changing fast and is well documented. But many organisations are slow to change and are sticking to the same old fundraising ways. This is not sustainable.
- The anonymity of giving will grow and charities and the giving public will scrutinise donations more.
- The distinction between philanthropy, social purpose and charity are blurring. More team based working behind a common theme will become the norm.
- The UN SDGs will be back on people’s radar and an increased push to achieve them will be launched.
- And for us as a Company each and everyone of us will continue to wake up every day wanting to make the world a better place. That ethos runs through everything we do. We have raised millions of pounds and have some of the best fundraising expertise in the country. Expertise has value; as the donor pool becomes ever more competitive having a great fundraising consultant on your team will be even more essential and represents fantastic return on investment. Please get in touch for an informal chat to explore how we could help your organisation.