News & Insight
27th June 2017
Supporting growth of Middle Gifts as a Platform for Major Donor Giving
We are delighted that on Monday 3rd July our Associate, Nicky Bishop, will be presenting at the IOF Fundraising Convention on the topic of middle giving, alongside Sabrina Bordji-Michel, Philanthropy Manager at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
Middle Giving is often left untapped and undervalued in charities because it crosses fundraising skill sets and the lines between Individual Giving and Major Donors. However there are significant numbers of people who would want to give regularly at a mid-level and many have the capacity to give at a higher level, if suitably engaged.
Nicky and Sabrina will present their approach to building a programme at the £5k-£50k per annum level. In particular the session will look at working with supporter management, prospect identification and tracking, and upgrading through customer care to eventually increase your high net worth giving, all in a cost-effective way.
If charities get the programme right, one person could be responsible for “tailored mass” relationship management to build a strong base for a HNW pyramid. There are still great opportunities for charities to grow their income through capitalizing on middle giving.
Nicky is working as a consultant for the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) and will be joined by Sabrina Bordji-Michel, Philanthropy Manager at ICRC. They will discuss their successful ICRC Circle of Friends programme, and share how it was set up, what is done for donors, how it is managed, and their learnings along the way.
You can find out more here: