PC12 Fundraising Support

Annual Practical Strategic 

We know that fundraising is tough, particularly right now in the midst of a pandemic with limited resources. Knowing the best way to respond to every new challenge and opportunity can be equally tough which is why we have come up with a way in which we might be able to help.

Philanthropy Company has been advising on successful fundraising programmes for over 20 years bringing expertise and practical know how to complex fundraising challenges. Now we have set up a year round way of working with you bringing consultancy advice across your programme at a fraction of the price of consultancy. We work as your partner to help you achieve success with your prospects, donors, team and leadership.

Working with you throughout the year we will jointly identify areas for development and provide scheduled advisory sessions drawing on the full skills of the Philanthropy Company and bringing literally decades of fundraising experience to you. Philanthropy 12 is a cost effective, year round package of support to maximise your fundraising success in an ever changing landscape.

PC 12 annual support costs:

Monthly fee – £600 + VAT (PA equivalent £7200 + VAT)
Annual fee – £7000 + VAT

Please contact James@philanthropycompany.com for more information about the support available through PC12.

"Working with the team at Philanthropy Company has been invaluable, they have a wonderfully friendly and motivational approach and have helped both our staff and trustees gain skills and confidence around Individual Giving which will help us hugely for our sustainability in the future. " - Deafinitely Theatre

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