News & Insight
9th June 2016
Philanthropy Company Associate Lunch
Philanthropy Company hosted an associate lunch at the beautiful Villandry restaurant yesterday. Over 20 fundraisers from all sectors joined us to hear about opportunities at Philanthropy Company and let us know more about them. The lunch was punctuated by speeches from Yvonne Rainey, Alistair Lomax, Flora Craig, and Nicky Bishop, who told us about their life as consultants and their experiences working with Philanthropy Company. Caroline also spoke about how we work, some of the exciting new clients we are working with, and our aims for the future.
As a growing company, we are always looking out for exceptional people to work with us. Alongside this, more and more of our clients are telling us about the competition to find excellent fundraisers. As philanthropy continues to grow in the UK and across the world, it is our hope that our growing client list can benefit from the wide-ranging skills and experiences of those attending, and others throughout the sector.
Thank you to all in attendance and to our host, Villandry St James.
If you would like to find out more about working with Philanthropy Company, please click here.